Me,Myself et Moi

My photo
Buenos dias world
As I am new to this I thought I would share a few little facts about myself..that is if you're interested

1. Im a half mexican, half turkish (Mexish) born and bred english girl so techincally I am a mongrel.

2. Travelling is an addiction of mine. I find it hard to stay in one place for a long time as I think that this world of ours was made for us to explore.

3. My obsession with food is a little extreme. I used to be one of those girls at school who would ask 'Are you going to finish that?' I love pretty much everthing apart from brussel sprouts and zucchini. I would ban them if I had the power.

4. I could not talk english until I was 6 so my nursery days consisted of Janel bitting the kids to communicate with them. But do not worry. My cannibal days are over...I think.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Decorate the Nails

I recently discovered some new spring 2011 nail trends which were a hit at the New York Fashion week. I thought it would be nice to share with you some of these latest looks before the daffodils start to bloom ♥

  •  Moon Manicures

You can chose any two colours which contrast, but I think it looks much more chic using camel/cream/black/brown colours.

Nail Inc Camel Collection £25

Getting the moon shapes is sometimes tricky if you do not have a steady hand. This Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen is just the answer.
1. Paint nails with a base coat. Then apply the entire nail with the colour which you want to bottom 'half moon' to be. Wait to dry.
2. Apply stickers to the bottom of your nail, as show in the picture, creating half moon shape. The idea of the stickers comes from Miss Glamour Girl Blog which I think is fabulous as they are cheap, easy to find and create the perfect 'half moon' look.

3.Paint above the sticker and leave to dry. Carefully peel off the stickers.

  • Neutral Nails

Neutral nails will always have a spring-like feel. Design them in which ever way you like but make sure not to chose a nude shade similar to your skin tone. Either go a few shades darker or lighter.

  • Pop Art Graphics

Make sure to use bright pastels and go wild creating your patters. It may be worth taking a look at WAH Nails salon which can be found in Topshop Oxford Circus and they design some fantastic looking nails.

A few designs from WAH nails

  • Metallics and Gold Foil

OPI Swiss Collection
TIP: I have posted below a Youtube video of how to use the gold foil. You can also achieve the look with a good gold polish and use a small piece of plastic to block parts of your nail that you do not wish to paint, as you apply the polish using the tip of the brush and with short strokes.

YOUTUBE: Using Gold Foil on Nails

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful post! I love the neutral nails best :) x
