Me,Myself et Moi

My photo
Buenos dias world
As I am new to this I thought I would share a few little facts about myself..that is if you're interested

1. Im a half mexican, half turkish (Mexish) born and bred english girl so techincally I am a mongrel.

2. Travelling is an addiction of mine. I find it hard to stay in one place for a long time as I think that this world of ours was made for us to explore.

3. My obsession with food is a little extreme. I used to be one of those girls at school who would ask 'Are you going to finish that?' I love pretty much everthing apart from brussel sprouts and zucchini. I would ban them if I had the power.

4. I could not talk english until I was 6 so my nursery days consisted of Janel bitting the kids to communicate with them. But do not worry. My cannibal days are over...I think.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

A powerful lens ♥

I am sure that most of you would have seen the photo above. It is a very powerful image that makes you think of all the petty times you were upset for the most insignificant things, without realising what true sadness meant.  Steven McCurry is another of my favourite photographers. He is a very talented travel photojournalist and has that special eye for capturing breathtaking photos. I may have never met the man in person but yet I feel as if I could sit there and converse with him for ages asking questions about his travels and about his work. I can not help but to feel a rush of emotions every time I see one of his pieces and then I stop and think to myself, "If only everyone could see the world the way Steven has done, how different the world would be." Below are a few of my favourite photos taken by the one and only McCurry himself.

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