Me,Myself et Moi

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Buenos dias world
As I am new to this I thought I would share a few little facts about myself..that is if you're interested

1. Im a half mexican, half turkish (Mexish) born and bred english girl so techincally I am a mongrel.

2. Travelling is an addiction of mine. I find it hard to stay in one place for a long time as I think that this world of ours was made for us to explore.

3. My obsession with food is a little extreme. I used to be one of those girls at school who would ask 'Are you going to finish that?' I love pretty much everthing apart from brussel sprouts and zucchini. I would ban them if I had the power.

4. I could not talk english until I was 6 so my nursery days consisted of Janel bitting the kids to communicate with them. But do not worry. My cannibal days are over...I think.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Friday Giggles ♥

Friday afternoon and I am squashed in a train along with the other passengers, all of us waiting to reach our individual destination. Some of us may huff and puff during the journey home but I simply enjoy to 'people watch' as firstly, I find it rather interesting looking at certain passengers and figuring out their life story and secondly it makes my boring train ride home seem a lot quicker! And so whilst observing my 'train buddies' on the tube, I came across this particular man, roughly in his 50's I would say, who was reading this small book and giggling to himself as if he were a child again who had just heard the word 'shit' for the very first time. I was intrigued to find out what it was that was making this man oh so very content on a Friday afternoon. I peered over his shoulder, and I saw that he was reading a book about cats...yes cats. However the book mainly consisted of cat photographs with small captions on each one. I could not possibly think what this grown man could find so funny about these photos but then I sneakily looked over again and read a few of the captions and I will not lie... I did have a little giggle to myself as well. The more I kept on reading HIS book, the more I kept laughing.

I knew that sooner or later I was going to get caught which I most certainly did. The old man (who I shall call Fredric) turned and looked at me with that certain gaze of "Why on earth are you laughing you bizarre child?". But to my surprise, all he said with a sweet smile was " I see that you like the book." and he kept on reading. His short and sweet comment did leave me a little shocked but at the same time put a giant smile on my face, as if someone had just placed a whole packet of chocolate Hob Nobs right in front of me. The best thing is that I managed to grab the name of the precious book for all of you cat-lovers out there.

How to Take Over Teh Wurld: A LOLcat Guide 2 Winning by Professor Happycat and

There was no particular reason for writing this post but I guess I wanted to share with you that no matter how insignificant something may be, it could make your day. ♥

As you can tell I get amused easily.

PS. I almost forgot. My second giggle of the day was due to the makeover of My Little Pony. It brought back memories of when Dora used to collect these toys but I find these modern and updated versions just simply ridiculous!

I can't help but love this one as I ♥ Chewbacca

1 comment:

  1. I love the makeover of my little poney - I think I strongly identify with the first one (a little confused with its sense of style) and I think you remind me of the little doggy at the end ;-) xxx
