Me,Myself et Moi

My photo
Buenos dias world
As I am new to this I thought I would share a few little facts about myself..that is if you're interested

1. Im a half mexican, half turkish (Mexish) born and bred english girl so techincally I am a mongrel.

2. Travelling is an addiction of mine. I find it hard to stay in one place for a long time as I think that this world of ours was made for us to explore.

3. My obsession with food is a little extreme. I used to be one of those girls at school who would ask 'Are you going to finish that?' I love pretty much everthing apart from brussel sprouts and zucchini. I would ban them if I had the power.

4. I could not talk english until I was 6 so my nursery days consisted of Janel bitting the kids to communicate with them. But do not worry. My cannibal days are over...I think.

Monday 6 December 2010

Open your eyes ♥

So I came across some photos which I like.

I see what I see.

Behind every picture there is a story.

That's pretty much it.

Via : We are Vane

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